en, you should be careful not\rto be preparing your response while your teen is still talking.\rYou'll hear better that way, and they will be encouraged to talk\rmore.\r12 7 .0\r 7=/R?éêë?ìí@BR?ÛÜîaïïVð?Xf@\rRñòó8@V\rôõ/öñ@PjR÷íhøùúû@ß\ràD÷üýþÿ 0@\r__ 8. When teens experience being liked, they usually act more\rlikeable.\rP`p? 8 .0\r8\r?? ! "#\r@\rTEXT\rIs There a Generation Gap?\r---44---\rNew Words\r--\r$?%&'(36@$?)*7 2 5 = %&+$?, /%/1\r- 4.96% 2&\r3456& 8956& 956&\r:;&7\r7 7 7.\rPhrases and Expressions\rPPP47-Z\r_ 48__\rExercises\rComprehension of the Text\r_ 4 9 "\rVocabulary\rPP-SI---