-H@ ¡(chew)¢£¤¥\r3. The real Ken did not like the three-dimensional Barbie dolls, which were\rdescribed as having the\rappearance of “a woman who sold sex”.\r¦8-§`¨©ª«¬®®@S®®¯°±²“´µ¶·¸¹?”-»¼\r4. After the war, a character called Uncle Sam began appearing in political\rcartoons, and soon became\rAmerican' s most popular symbol.½HKL¾¿`MN´6XR\nÀÁÂÃÄÅ-\r@0Æ@ÂÃÄÅÇ°XÈÉÊ?©Ë-ÌÍ\r5. Time seems to stand still. Mrs. Clark and I both become aware that she is\rdying, leaving this world.ÎÏ1ÐÑÒXÓÔÓÕ?Ö*×zØÙÇÚÛX@Ú\rJM\nÜÝX\r6. When decorating the room, you should see to it that the carpets match the\rcurtains.\r7ÞÏ2ßàáÚâ ãÖäåDæ\r7. It seemed that the little boy could read my mind, and he quietly gave me\rsome newspapers of that day.\nçèé1+êë*-ìí@îî ïð*Rñ\rò-óô