nd the New York Metropolitan FIGURE 4: PHOTOGRAPH FROM EAST MOUND LOOKING WEST ACROSS RICHMOND CREEK TOWARD SOUTH MOUND, FALL 2003Р region.Р FIGURES 3, 4 and 5: Photographs of the site as it looks today show the intrinsic beauty of creeks, tidal fl ats, wetlands, Р grasslands and hill forms. The huge, open scale of the site suggests great potential for signifi cant ecological habitat Р improvement and new public recreational uses.Р FIGURE 6: This aerial view shows how the site might look 20 years or so from now, with restored landscapes, Р extensive paths and trails, scenic overlooks, sports and recreational amenities, and alternative energy resources. Р FIGURE 5: AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH TAKEN ABOVE WILLIAM T. DAVIS WILDLIFE REFUGE LOOKING SOUTH ALONG MAIN CREEK TOWARD ARDEN HEIGHTS, SUMMER 2003Р6