
blinded by anger or feeling the love how emotions influence…:被愤怒所蒙蔽或感觉到爱是如何影响…

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participants viewed the same pictures they saw in the first part of the weight estimati on study. Across three rounds, we asked participants to provide estimates for the weight of the pe rson in the picture. This time, however, we provided participants with the estim ates that another par ticipant had purportedly made for the same set of photos. We kept th ese values constant acr oss participants and conditions (i.e., each participant received the same set of estimates from “a nother participant” for 2 While both the neutral clip and the anger clip have been previously used in emotion research, the gratitude clip (1:02:34 to 1:04:02 in Awakenings, ISBN-0-8001-7736-3) was created by the authors and used for the first time in the studies presented here after thorough pre-testing.


