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志[ M] . 乌鲁木齐: 新疆人民出版社, 1998.[ 3] 卢克曼. 无形的宗教[ M] . 覃方明译, 北京: 中国人民大学出版社, 2003.[ 4] 威廉费尔丁奥格本. 社会变迁[ M] . 王晓毅, 陈育国译, 杭州: 浙江人民出版社, 1989.Study to the Religious Cultural Change of Ethnic Immigrations in Mult-i nationality AreaA Case Study of Dongxiang Nationality in Laocheng Village of HuochengCHEN G Wen-xiang(H umanities College, Qing hai N ormal Univ ercity , X ining 810008, China)Abstract: Religious cultural change is an important aspect of the cultural change of minority national-ities in mult-i nationality area. This article takes a case study to the Dongxiang nationality in Laocheng vi-llage of H uocheng from three changing stages in their religious change, in order to analyze the reason influ-ence and tendency of the cultural change.Key words:Dongxiang nationality; cultural change; Isiam36


