hinaР The determination( of water quality-determination of butyl xanthate, - liquid chromatography/triple, ) quadrupoleР tandemAbstract mass: spectrometry HJ 1002-2018 was validated by determining the detection limit lower limit accuracy andР precision. The results showed( that the detection) limit of butyl xanthate was 0.08 μg/L which was, less than,0.2 μg/L. TheР precision test of butyl xanthate at low middle and high concentrations 1.0 μg/L 10,.0 μg/L and 100 μg/L was carriedР out. The standard deviations were 4.6%, 0.7% and 0.9%. The recovery( of butyl xanthate, in surface water is 97)%~103%Р and the accuracy and precision meet the, requirements of quality control. ,Р butyl xanthate HPLC-MS/MS method validationР Key words: ; ;