
doe HUMAN PERFORMANCE improvement-2009_volume1——知识讲义

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tion of the ISM program, using feedback for improvement of the ISM program itself. Two Р significant sources of external lessons learned have contributed to that Manual: (1) the research Р and conclusions related to high-anizations (HRO) and (2) the research and Р conclusions related to the human performance improvement (HPI) initiatives in mercial Р nuclear industry, the U.S. Navy, and anizations. HRO and HPI s are very Р complementary with ISM and serve to extend and clarify the program’s principles and methods.3 РAs part of the ISM revitalization effort, the Department wants to address known opportunities for Рimprovement based on DOE experience and integrate the lessons learned from HRO Рorganizations and HPI implementation into the Department’s existing ISM infrastructure. The Р Р 1-2


