

上传者:幸福人生 |  格式:docx  |  页数:13 |  大小:34KB

ice. РThat’s right, she isn’t nice. She’s just interested in money. In fact, she is going to keep my security deposit. РHow can she do that. Nothing is damaged, right.РRight, everything in the flat is fine. РShe’s keeping the deposit because I broke the rental agreement. РWhat about your rent. РYes , that’s another problem. I already pay 3 months rent so I hope I can get it back. РWhat can you do if she doesn’t return it. РI don’t know. I told to my agent. He’s nice and maybe he can help.РMaybe I should refuse to leave the flat until I get it back. РBe sure to take picture of your flat. РWhat for?РJust to show the condition of your flat. Then she can’t say your friend damaged it anyway. РGood idea. She’s a small-minded, evil woman. I should never have rented it from her in the first place.


