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re several matters I’d like to discuss with you.РSure, will later this week be possible?РLet me see. According to my schedule, I’ll have something Thursday afternoon and Friday morning.РHow long do you think we will need?РI think an hour should be enough.РThat should be fine. Would Thursday at 3:30 work for you?РYes, that’s fine. Ok, I’m looking forward to seeing you at 3:30 at Thursday.РRight, see you then and thanks.РYou are e, Ben. Take care.РHi, sue, I’m sorry but something urge e up so I’d like to change the time for our meeting on Thursday.РOh, I’m sorry to hear that. What about Friday morning?РThat should work. How early?РI’m usually here by 9 o’clo ck. Could you be here by then? Yes, that shouldn’t be a problem.РOk, Friday at 9 o’clock.РOnce again, sorry for the last minute change.


