你簇新的理想РI ’ m your brand spanking new idealР刚从神话的蛛网里挣脱Рwho have just broken loose from a fairy-tale spider web.Р我是你雪被下古莲的胚芽Р’ sРI ’ m your lotus embryo buried under a blanket of snow.Р我是你挂着眼泪的笑窝Рly.РI ’ m your dimple with tears hanging looseР我是新刷出的雪白的起跑线РI ’ m the newly painted white-as-snow starting lineР是绯红的黎明Рand the crimson break of dawnР在喷薄Рin bursting out.Р—— 祖国啊РOh my homeland!Р我是你十亿分之一РI ’mone of your one-billion parts,Р是你九百六十万平方的总和Рand the summation of your 9.6 million square meters.Р你以伤痕累累的乳房РYou use your scarred breastsР喂养了Рto feedР迷惘的我 ,深思的我 ,沸腾的我Рthe puzzled me, the deep-thinking me, and the hot-blooded me.Р那就从我的血肉之躯上РThen from my flesh-and-blood body,Р去取得Рyou obtainР你的富饶 ,你的荣光 ,你的自由Рyour richness, your glory, and your freedom.Р—— 祖国啊РOh my homeland,Р我亲爱的祖国Рmy beloved homeland.