eces, clean it immediately.Р定时检查小孩尿片是否已湿,如果已湿,必须立即替小孩更换尿片及彻底清洁屁股、如更换尿片垫给尿液及粪便弄污,需立即清洗。Р7.Employer will provide you a log book, mark down the time for feeding the baby, how much milk he/her drink / congee he/her eat, time for changing his/her diapers and time for sleep.Р僱主会给你一本记事簿,记下BB喂奶时间、需要饮多少奶、水及吃多少粥糊,并何时让小孩换片及睡觉。Р8.Bathe child in the afternoon each day (twice per day in summer).(Only bathe child before or at least an hour after feeding the baby).Р每天下午替小孩沐浴(夏天每日两次)(沐浴必需为小孩进食前或进食后一小时进行)Р9.Put the child dirty clothes in the laundry basket.hang up the towels and clean the child’s bat-tub and toys immediately after bath.Р将小孩肮脏衣服放进污衣篮及挂好毛巾,沐浴后要立即清洁小孩之浴盆及玩具Р10.The child will share the room with you, once he/she is crying, you must wake up immediately to look after him/her.Р你会与小孩同房,如小孩哭,你必须起床照料