eB .TwoC .ThreeD .Four 2.Jac k______. A.isaclose frie ndofmine B.enj oys long walks inthepark eve rySunday afternoon C.has many close friends D.enjoy stalks inthe room 3.Jack wasworried because__ ____. A.hewante dtoeat something B.itwasSunday afternoon again C.hewas notfeeling well D.hewanted his maste r(主人)totake him forawalk 4.Jack took myhat inhis mouth tosho wthat____ __. A.Ishould leave the house atonce B.heliked myhat very much C.hewas hungry and hetried toeat it D.hewan ted tohav earest 5.Which ofthe foll owing istrue?______ . A.WhenJack andIwere talking, myfriend didn't pay anyattenti ontousB.When Iwas talk ing tomyfriend, Jackdidn't pay any attention tousC.When myfriend and Iwere talk ing, wedidn't pay anyattenti ontoJack D.Whe nmyfrien dwas talk ing toJac k,Ipaid attention tothem