

上传者:火锅鸡 |  格式:docx  |  页数:6 |  大小:74KB

as now e our petence. All the experiences highlight the importance of interdisciplinary study and fast learning, and urge us to read, learn and think much more. To lead a group to revitalize a local brand means a great challenge that needs one to acquire prehensive knowledge than being in one other position. 5. 3(b).Identify up to two trends, big or small, that you see unfolding in the next decade. Discuss how the(se) trend(s) might affect you and your career, and how you plan to address them during your MBA and/or after you graduate. (400 words) 6. 4.(Optional) Is there any other information that you believe would be helpful to the MBA mittee in evaluating your application?(200 words). Re-applicants are suggested to describe the progress you have made since your previous application. Back


