an imponant rule in giving the navel an extended dimenMinn. In the novel nw the unwunird 'wiiUcd apples*" are left on thr tree l<> ratten•is Doctor Rcr(y left ta waaie «way. The writer showw deep gympAthy / respect to people who arc Mtwisted apples0 in •ocirtyeР(Award 5 point* For ANV TWO of the fallowing)РHe ts t^olaled in hi# musty office^РWinrM>urg hnd forgcittrn the old rn^n9РHr tend* to a dying medical practice alonr>РHe unburilenH his thoughts on wnip、of paper.Р. Hr ^ufirr^ from the tragedy of his young wik1* death who offered him n chantr to open up. to share hirnwlf with oihrm.РPart {H Writing'?[20 Points]Р写作评分参考标准Р作文俩分为20分.分为内容(排分为H分〉,血言(满分为10分)和书.耳《潸分为2分)三部 分,三部分分值相加即为作文的您分.各部分参考怦分顼II如下,Р郎分Р评分现HР分仇Р内容Р内容充实.切匙.篇幅适当.Р8分Р语言Р婚」御伴Ji文流畅•旬『结向有变化,常用语法结构无情误.Р1。分РР浒写及怀点符号使用正桃•书写整沽.易于认读.Р2分