
萨尔瓦多地震诱发的拉斯科琳娜滑坡稳定性分析 毕业论文外文翻译

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rcle and trial surface methods) and the lower soil strength used. The post–earthquake slope (i.e. the current slope) is slightly more stable than the initial slope before earthquake. The stability factor of the current slope is in a range between 1.85 based on the trial surface method and 2.41 based on the circle method, when groundwater is low. It decreases to 1.34 based on the trial surface method and 2.03 based on the circle method, as the slope es fully saturated. The slope e unstable if it is fully saturated and kc reaches about 0.12g during earthquake. During dry season and the water table is at its low condition, the slope es unstable as k c reaches about 0.3g. The slope displacement is over 7.5 cm when k c is 0.3g and yield failure occured at the top and along the paleo-soil layer.


