05,23-112.Р[8] 刘敦桢.苏州古典园林[M].北京:中国建筑工业出版,1979.Р[9] 宗白华等.中国园林艺术概观[C]江苏:江苏人民出版社,1987.РThe Harmony Between Human and Nature of the Jiangnan Classical Gardens РAbstract:The art of Jiangnan classical gardens is the whole one,including philosophy,aesthetics, literature , architecture ,technology and so on .and which was also constructed by the essence of the traditional culture ,in order to embody the nature and creat the great scenery in the limited space .regardless of the original view of “adore nature ,imitates nature”,the artistic conception of the mixed scenery falsehood versus reality ,or the theory of balance of Yin and Yang ,are all to embody the harmony between Man and nature .РKey word: the Jiangnan classical gardens ; the harmony between human and nature; the balanceР of Yin and Yang