
函授英语(本科)试卷及答题纸(含参考 答案)

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。Р48. 他寄了封信给她,在信里他为他对她所做的事道歉。Р49. I have been sitting here all afternoon.Р50. 我们正谈论着你。Р51. They had known each other for a long time before their marriage.Р52. He told me that he had been to China several times.Р53. We don’t need air-conditioning, nor can we afford it.Р54. Only then did he understand it.Р55. His work done, he decided to go skating with his friend.Р五.书面表达(共计15分)Р 116 Beijing RoadР Nanjing,ChinaР May 1, 2001РDear Nancy:Р You are a dear to remember my birthday! The scarf is so lovely, and just by chance blends perfectly with my new green suit. You couldn’t have pleased me more.Р Thank you so much for taking the time and trouble to get me just the right thing. I really do appreciate your great friendship behind the gift as well as the gift itself. Р Yours affectionately,Р Lily


