ress上场,为您表演空手入白刃。Р-Oogway: I sense the Dragon Warrior is among us.Р我感觉到“龙武士士”就在我们中间,Р-Master: Citizens of the Valley of PeaceР平和谷的居民们,РMaster Oogway will now choose the Dragon Warrior!РOogway大师现在要甄选“龙战士”了!Р-Po: Oh, no! No, no! wait!Р什么?不不,等等!РYeah.Р有了!Р-Dad: What are you doing?!Р你在干什么?Р-Po: What does it look like I'm doing?Р你说我在干什么?РStop!Р别过来!РI'm going to see the Dragon Warrior!Р我要去看“龙武士”!Р-Dad: But I don't understand. You finally had the noodle dream!Р可我不懂,你才梦到了面条啊!Р-Po: I lied. I don't dream about noodles, Dad.Р我骗你的,老爸。我没梦见面条。РI love kung fu!Р我爱功夫(看他嘴唇)。Р-Dad: Come on, son.Р算了吧,儿子。РLet's get back to work.Р还是回去做生意吧。Р-Po: OK.Р好吧。Р-Dad: Come back!Р 回来!Р[Scene: Po gets in the Palace by using a fire-rocket, and then he is selected as the Dragon Warrior.]Р-Po: What's going on?Р怎么回事?РWhere...?