江苏文艺出版社2010年版,第126页。Р参考文献Р[1]Pearl Buck. Asia[J]. October. 1940.Р[2]转引自:王兆胜.林语堂正传[M]. 南京:江苏文艺出版社,2010. Р[3]林语堂.吾国吾民[M].黄嘉德译.长沙:湖南文艺出版社,2012. Р[4] Lin Yutang. Asia[J]. 1937.Р[5] 林语堂.从异教徒到基督徒:林语堂自传[M].西安:陕西师范大学出版社,2007年.Р[6]赛珍珠.我的中国世界[M].长沙:湖南文艺出版社,1991年.РOn the Causes of Breaking up betweenРLin Yutang and Pearl BuckР--From the Perspective of Differences of Views on Friendship between China and America РWu XiaoyingР(Foreign Languages Department of MinNan Normal University, FuJian, ZhangZhou, 363000 )РAbstract Lin Yutang and Pearl Buck, the fruits bining Chinese and western culture, devoted their lives to the exchange and blending between Chinese and western culture. But their own friendship ended because of munication. The author thinks Chinese and American differences of views on friendship