iew again and answer the questions Р①.What is the problem 1? Р②. What is the problem 2? Р③. What are the reasons for problem 2? Р④. What are the causes of problem1? Р⑤. What are the solutions to problem 1? Р⑥. What are the solutions to problem 2? РⅣ.Writing and speaking : РDo exercise 5, 6, 7 to show interest and keep a conversation going. Read through the example dialogue then make up a new one with your partner. Р(The purpose is to practice showing interest when listening to another speaker in a conversation and involving the person who is listening to you.) РⅤ. Homework РPractise using the useful words about protecting the sea by making sentences with them: Рprotect, pollute, pollution, waste, deal with, be responsible for, break the law, punish, keep a record of , control, communicate.