
高中英语 protecting the sea双基限时练 北师大版必修3

上传者:蓝天 |  格式:doc  |  页数:6 |  大小:509KB

ent to his father and asked her for money. He told his father that he wanted to buy some book. So his father gave him 50 yuan and told him study hardly. After get the money, Li Lei ran to the bar and spent all the money there. I think he shouldn't told a lie to his father, and he shouldn't often go to the bar, too. 答案 Li Lei often goes to a an bar after class. One day Li Lei wanted to go to \ there again, and but he had no money. He went to his father and asked her him for money. He told his father that he wanted to buy some book books . So his father gave him 50 yuan and told him ∧ to study hardly hard. After get getting the money, Li Lei ran to the bar and spent all the money there. I think he shouldn't told tella lie to his father, and he shouldn't often go to the bar, too either .


