is Travels (Part One)РName: Marco Polo ? Nationality & Birth Year: was born? in ____ in _____? Why to China: to ________ with ? the Chinese? How he arrived: travelled across? _______________РBefore he got to ChinaРBasic informationРFurther readingРItalyР1254Рdo tradeРEurope and AsiaРwas amazed by __________? ________________________? was impressed by________? ________________________? was surprised to see______? ________________________? was confused by_________? ________________________? served in __________________РAfter he got to ChinaРFurther readingРWhat he saw and feltРhow beautiful and powerful China wasРMarco Polo and His Travels (Part Two)РWhat he did:РBeijing and the emperor’s palace, esp. …РChinese people using paper moneyРthe black stones people used as fuelРthe emperor’s court