
九年级英语 Unit 9 when was it invented 教学设计 人教新目标版

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for? Can you guess? Learn the new words.Listen and match the inventions with the inventor and the usages. Then listen the tape again and check the answers.Р Post- task:Making convertions with the information in 2a,2b in pairs. Step 5 Task 4 Introduce your favorite invention.Р Pre-task: Before class ,the students have found the information about their favorite inventions.Р While-task: Ask one student to show her/his favorite invention, Other students ask about invention,for example, “What is that? When was it invented? Who was it invented by? What is it used for?” The student answer the questions.Р Post-task: Today we know many inventions and inventors,maybe we will be inventors some day,so study hard and hold on to our dreams.РStep 6 HomeworkР Write a passage about your favorite invention.


