
山东省潍坊市滨海区2017 2018学年七年级英语下学期期中质量检测试题无答案外研版

上传者:随心@流浪 |  格式:doc  |  页数:12 |  大小:146KB

РMs Li: Here’s a mobile phone. is it?РLingling: I don’t know. Is it , Betty?РBetty: No, it isn’t . I think it’s Daming’s.РMs Li: Yes, It’s . Are these gloves Tony’s?РLingling: Yes, are. They’re __gloves.РMs Li: What about this wallet? Is it also Tony’s?РBetty: No, it isn’t . __wallet is purple.РMs Li: Is it wallet, Lingling?РLingling: Oh yes, it is. It’s __new wallet. Thank you so much.РMs Li: You are e!Р八、句型转换(共8小题;每小题1分,共8分)Р1. Please take care of your things.(改为同义句)Р Please ________ ________ your things.Р2. I’m going to check my email this afternoon.(就划线部分提问)Р _______ ______ you going to do this afternoon?Р3. There are two libraries in that town now. (用next year 改写句子)Р There ______ _____ two libraries in that town next year.Р4. They have to spend 800 yuan on this room each month.(改为同义句)


