
一次别离 中英双语对照字幕 看字幕学英语 文本文件

上传者:幸福人生 |  格式:doc  |  页数:16 |  大小:56KB

.Р- Hello.Р- Hello, Ma'am.РI'll be right with you.Р我马上就来Р夫人,不知道你知不知道这儿的情况Р我要麻烦你来照顾我父亲Р还要干点家务活Р不过最重要的是让他按时吃药Р别点炉子,关好门窗,这样他就不会走失了Р我七点半要去上班,你到了以后我就走Р七点半太早了Р- 要想那会儿到,我五点到五点半就得动身Р- 那八点呢?Р上来吧РMa'am, I do not know how much you're aware of this, but,Рit's for taking care of my fatherРthat I'm bothering you with.РIt'll be some home job too,Рbut the real issue is that youРhave to give him the meds on time.Р... doesn't use the stove, doesn't open this door,Рso he'd go out and get lost. Doesn't open the window.РI'll have to go to work at : am.РYou should be here then so I can leave right after.Р: is too early.РIf I were e then,РI'd have to leave home around : - :amР- Can you do eight?Р- Come on upР- I don't know about .Р- It'd be fine if you could get here by :.РRing our neighbor's house, they'll open


