

上传者:读书之乐 |  格式:doc  |  页数:19 |  大小:56KB

e shifting to move the various digits. Each finger is positioned in an open and fistlike closed posture. For example, the sections of the index finger are closed, while the others are left in an open, relaxed position for one morph target. The next morph target would have only the ring finger closed while keeping the others open. During the animation, sliders are then used to open and close the fingers and/or thumbs. Another method to create finger movements is to animate them in both closed and open positions and then save the motion files for each digit. Anytime you animate the same character, you can load the motions into your new scene file. It then es a simple process of selecting either the closed or the open position for each finger and thumb and keyframing them wherever you desire.


