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_________ to her and _________her, “ Are you OK? She answered“ I can’t stand up.” My father and I ________ her up and called her family. Soon, her husband _________ to her ________.He thanked for us and then _________the woman______ the car.Р完形填空。РA farmer lived in a village. It ___1___a cold winter day, he found a snake _____2__ the ground. It was nearly dead. The farmer was a ___3___ man. He picked up the snake ___4___ and put it under the coat. Soon the snake started to move and _____5__ the farmer. “ Oh, my God”, said the farmer. “ I save your life, but you didn’t thank me. You should die.” Then he killed the snake. At last he was dead, too.Р( ) 1.A.is B. was C. onР( ) 2.A.on B. in C. atР( ) 3.A.clever B. foolish C. goodР( ) 4.A.care B. careful C. carefullyР( ) 5.A.woke B.bit C. caught


