TE语句实现,其句法如下:РUPDATE基本表名SET列名=值表达式[,列名=值表达式…][WHERE条件表达式]Рcreate procedure dbo.dt_adduserobject_vcsР @vchProperty varchar(64)РAs set nocount onРdeclare @iReturn intР /* Create the user object if it does not exist already*/Р begin transactionР select @iReturn = objectid from dbo.dtproperties where property = @vchPropertyР if @iReturn IS NULLР beginР insert dbo.dtproperties (property) VALUES (@vchProperty)Р update dbo.dtproperties set objectid=@@identityР where id=@@identity and property=@vchPropertyР select @iReturn = @@identityР endР commitР return @iReturnРGOР2.4输入输出设计Р下面系统信息的查询以工资查询为例:Р 图5.6工资查询Р输入工号002,点击确定则可以得到教师002的工资情况,如下界面所示:Р代码如下:Р确定按钮代码:РPrivate mand1_Click()РAdodc1.RecordSource = "select * from 工资表 where 工号='" & Trim(Text1.Text) & " '"РAdodc1.RefreshРEnd SubРPrivate mand2_Click()