

上传者:塑料瓶子 |  格式:doc  |  页数:19 |  大小:168KB

type piston or short piston.The flexibility between of the plank structure skirt is good, the quantity is small, the matching cleft between the piston and air cylinder is smaller, so it is applicable to the high speed engine.Р(5)In order to reduce the hot inflation degree of the aluminum metal alloy  piston skirt department, some gasoline  machine piston imbeds the steel slice in the piston skirt department or pin. The structure characteristics of the permanent model steel is as the permanent model steel is the low carbon iron nickel metal alloy with33% ~ 36% nickel, its coefficient of expansion is only 1/10 of that of aluminum metal alloy. But pin through the permanent model steel slice and the skirt departments connect with each other and curb the degree of the coefficient of expansion.


