Р Р展出内容 Exhibition ContentР Р公司名称Name panyР Р联系人Contact PersonР Р职务РTitleР Р联系电话TelephoneР Р传真FaxР Р电子邮箱E-mail Р备注 RemarkР Р 1、展馆方在收到此申请表后,将在5个工作日内做出同意或不同意安排的书面确认函;After receiving the application form ,please give your confirmation about agreement or disagreement in five days.Р2、场地申请方在收到本展馆安排档期确认函后,需在5个工作日内以书面形式回函确认,并落实合同签署事宜;逾期,本场馆将不予保留该档期。РThe applicator should send the confirmation reply letter in five days after receiving our confirmation letter .If it is beyond time, we reserve the right, make other arrangements for the rental hall.Р申请人签名РSignature of Applicant:Р Р公司盖章РSealР Р广州锦汉展览中心市场统筹部 Guangzhou Jinhan Exhibition Centre – Marketing & Coordination Department Р地址:中国广州市流花路119号 Add: 119, Liu Hua Road, Guangzhou, P.R.ChinaР电话Tel:(8620)3623-5686,3623-5009 传真Fax:(8620)36235885, 3623-5676