e, security,Рpolice force (not asРessful in consumerРsettings)РAssistedРGlobalРPositioningРSystemsР(aGPS)РEnhancemen-t over GPSРPerpetuallyРlocates device and coordinates data flow, unlike GPSРNo “cold starts”РFaster fix on locationРExpensiveРUser device must be in direct line of sightРDevice needs special embedded chipsРMilitary applications,Рcommercial applicationsРlike real estate, security,Рpolice force (not asРessful in consumerРsettings)РBroadbandРSatelliteРNetworkРRelies on low-earth-orbit satelliteРarchitectures to create a workРLower signalРlatency withРuser devicesРComplex to maintainРMilitary applications,Рcommercial applicationsРlike real estate, security,Рpolice force (not asРessful in consumerРsettings)РTable 1. work platforms for identificationРThe Customer Value Proposition