
仁爱英语八年级下册的Unit5 Topic1 Section B说课稿——获奖作品

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t.Р Example:Р S1: My favorite film is Cats. It’s funny and interesting. What about you?Р S2: I like Beijing Opera, and you?Р S3: I don’t like it at all. It’s boring.Р S4: Do you know what movie Mr. Lee likes best?Р S3: He likes The Sound of Music, but he was so disappointed because he didn’t get a ticket.Р S1: ...Р 2. Homework:Р (1)(假设你是康康的妈妈,你正在给迈克尔的妈妈打电话。你们会谈些什么呢?请设置一个打电话的对话。)Р T: Suppose you were Kangkang’s mother, you are talking with Michael’s mother on the phone. What are you talking about? Please make a dialog about this.Р (2)预习。Р (查询资料,了解Section C中的影片内容。)Р T: Collect some information about the films The Sound of Music, Titanic and Love Me Once More, Mom.Р 七、评价与反思Р 本课设计了几个任务,操作简单,学生一定很感兴趣并且积极地参与其中,从而合作完成任务,培养了团队精神。Р 学生在自主探索中,从“感性认识上升到理性认识”,经历知识的发生、发展、形成和应用的过程,提高获取知识的能力。寓素质教育于语言教学之中。


