
毕业设计论文 外文文献翻译 计算机专业 安卓应用基础 中英文对照

上传者:学习一点 |  格式:doc  |  页数:22 |  大小:139KB

APIs are available, each platform version specifies an API Level (for example, Android 1.0 is API Level 1 and Android 2.3 is API Level 9). If you use any APIs that were added to the platform after version 1.0, you should declare the minimum API Level in which those APIs were introduced using the <uses-sdk> element. It's important that you declare all such requirements for your application, because, when you distribute your application on Google Play, the store uses these declarations to filter which applications are available on each device. As such, your application should be available only to devices that meet all your application requirements. For more information about how Google Play filters applications based on these (and other) requirements, see the Filters on Google Play document.


