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M ES SAGE NN/ 6 2814 CBC VW (W RU) 3 4127 8B BO .N NNN 要求说明:根据审证结果草拟改证函, 要求列明不符点,并清晰告知客户如何进行修改。信函日期:2 001 年4月 25日提示: 注意出口商应将改证函写给进口商, 而非开证行。 Zh engjiang t extiles I/E corp. Ad d: 165 Zho nghezhong Road Hangz hou China Post Code: 310001 Te l: 86-571- 87075888/E XT FAX:86- 571-870792 34/8707925 4 E-mail:z jtex@ sino April 25th 2001 UNIT ED TEXTILE S LTD. 118 0 CHURCH R OAD NEW YO RK, PA 194 46 U.S.A. Dear Sirs, We are v ery glad to receive your L/C N o.DRG-LDLC 01, but we are quite sorry to find that it contain s some dis crepancies with the S/C. Pleas e instruct your bank to amend the L/C as quickly as possible . The L/C is to bea mended as follows: - The place of expiry: In China, in stead of 'In U.S .A.' -The date of the expiry s hould beJ une 15th 2 001, inste ad of 'Jun e 10th 200 1'


