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no notification prior to today's date. 15. pin down prevent from moving 把…困住;使不能行动 e.g. He was pinned down by his attackers. 16. objective n.a thing aimed at or wished for 目标 e.g. My objective this summer will be learning to swim. 17. responsible a. being the cause of; legally or morally obliged; reliable and sensible 作为原由的; 应承担责任的;负责可靠的 e.g. The bus driver is responsible for the passengers safety. 18. contest v. fight for; struggle to win or keep 争夺 n.争夺;竞争;比赛 e.g. How many people are contesting the seat on the council? 19. pay off bring good results; eed 取得好结果; 成功 e.g. His hard work paid off when he got a promotion. 20. boast v. talk about ina manner showing too much pride and satisfaction 吹嘘 e.g. The boy boasted that his bicycle was of the best quality of all the bicycles in the school.


