
专题限时集训3 概要写作 训练1

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l in shape , or rather slim. It's a similar story around the world , although people a re relatively unlikely to have tried to lose weight.Parents are eager to see their kids shape up.Do asI say — not asI do. 【写作指导】所给短文是一篇议论文。文章以论证的方式说明了优质生活导致的肥胖问题给人们的健康带来的危害, 呼吁人们积极行动远离肥胖, 不要再找借口。写作时应注意把握文章要点: 1. 优质生活成了人们健康的杀手; 2. 始于 2001 年的公众健康运动让人们意识到肥胖的危害以及在减少肥胖方面所起的作用; 3. 人们采取消极行动去减肥; 4. 人们不要再找借口, 应该积极采取行动远离肥胖。写作时应注意上下文连贯及词数要求。【参考范文】 Nowadays , good life es the killer of our health. (要点 1) Since 2001 , people have gradually realized the dangers of overwei ght by public - health campaigns.( 要点 2) But they took some negative measures to lose weight. ( 要点 3) Although there are some excuses like lacking of exercise , good food or genes , people should act positively to lose weight. (要点 4) 【导学号: 85602028 】


