
浙大远程教育英语2离线作业Unit1~6 主观题(2)

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ued by boredom, I would devote myself to taking part in some activities in which I was greatly interested, such as traveling around China and learning photography. РWhen I was in my youth, I always had a dream that one day I could e an excellent photographer who could capture those beautiful sceneries. However, it is really a pity that before my retirement I was so busy with working and taking care of my children that I could spare little time in making my dream e true. РTwenty years later, I would have a chance to pursue my dream. Through doing what I like doing, I suppose I would feel more contented. In addition, I would attach great importance to my health and do exercises every day so as to keep fit. I would also more actively engage in providing help for those in difficult situations.


