
重庆大学版必修一unit 6 同步测试

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写出改正后的词。 When I was ten year old, my grandma died 76. _____ of cancer. At that time, we can do nothing but see 77. _____ her to leave us. Since then I’ ve been dreaming 78. _____ of e an excellent doctor after college, so 79. _____ that I can help sick get rid of pain or even save 80. _____ their lives. Now people cares more about their 81. _____ healthy, so doctors are playing a more important 82. _____ part in society. Now what you should do is study 83. _____ hardly to enter a key medical university, where 84. _____ I can get the knowledge or skills ofa good doctor. 85. _____ 必修 1第6 单元随堂练参考答案 1-CBB 6-10 BABAA 11-15 BABCA 16-ABA 21-25 BADBD 26. year → years 27. can → could 28. 去掉 to 29. e → ing 30. sick 前加 the 31. cares → care 32. healthy → health 33. you →I 34. hardly → hard 35. or→ and


