

上传者:随心@流浪 |  格式:doc  |  页数:6 |  大小:52KB

D. more 44.A. another B. other C. others D. the another 45.A. looked for B. looked atC. looked into D. looked after 46.A. sound B. music C. movie D. voice s 47.A. turned off B. turned down C. turned onD. turned up 48.A. stood upB. sat down C. got back D. got up 49.A. spoke B. told C. talked D. said 50.A. stand B. sleep C. read D. Lea 五、汉译英(每个句子 4 分,共 20 分) 51. 他问我住哪个房间。 52. 我在网上低价买了这本书。 53. 你最好再考虑一下。 54 .我们的老师很关心我们的学习。 55. 出门在外要照顾好自己。 2011 年河南省对口升学《英语》答案 1-5 CDBBA 6-10ABBCB 11-15 CDBAA 16-20 CACBC 21-25 BCBDB 26-30 ADAAC 31-35 BCDAD 36-40 AADCD 41-45 BDAAC 46-50 ACADD 51.He asked me which room I lived in. 52. I bought the book ata low price on line. 53. You ’d better think about it again. 54.Our teachers show great concern about our study. 55. Take good care of yourself while you are away.


