
外研版初一下英语七年级下册 英语选词填空复习卷

上传者:科技星球 |  格式:doc  |  页数:4 |  大小:0KB

ose, all kinds of, watch, about Last year, Sarah ’s family went to Kenya( ???) for their summer holiday. They had a ______ time. Kenya is famous for its safari holiday. On a safari holiday, you stay ina national park and ______ the wild animals. Sarah ’s family did this. They _____ in the middle ofa national park, far from any towns. There were guides with them, and the guides knew a lot _____ wild animals. During the day, their guides took them ina big car and they saw______ animals. Sometimes the animals came very _____ to them. Sarah felt very______. At night the family slept ina _____. They could hear the _____ of the animals. They said it was very noisy, and sometimes they couldn ’t sleep. Also, they said it was very hot. ______ they loved their holiday, and are going again next year.


