external partiesРTo build up and foster customer caring cultureРAllРKPIs for pre-set sales and services targetР操作层面РTo ensure both internal and external customer satisfaction level being metРTo deal with and resolve any customers complaints and ensure their satisfaction levelРTo monitor staff performance and conduct 1-on-1 coachingРTo foster a customer care culture and encourage two-way and open communicationsРTo give recommendation to improve and streamline process flow and in-house policiesРTo handle any follow up request or bookings with internal department, airlines or partner hotelsРAllРInternal customer satisfactionРExternal customer satisfactionРStaff attrition РР管理类Р参与下属员工旳招聘、任免、考核、晋升和调配,以建立、领导及鼓励高效团队Р负责部门平常工作管理,监督检查本部门人员遵章守纪及工作贯彻状况Р解决部门内工作协调和人员沟通,营造良好工作氛围РР所有РР部分РР内部满意度РР新员工试用期流失率