el pipe is very smooth, with low flow resistance. ? 不锈钢水管内壁光滑,流阻非常低。РPipe fitting inwall 管内壁РРAdvantages 优越性Р5РShock resistant 抗振性能好РBackРConnection part’s tensile strength is high to 3.81kn, so can low down risk of leakage caused by water hammer quiver, pipe resonance and earthquake. ? 卡压处抗拉阻力高,因此能有效降低因水锤振动、管道共振和地震造成的漏水可能性。РPipe resonance管道共振РEarthquake地震РWater hammer水锤振动РРAdvantages 优越性Р6РLoad hard pressure 耐高压РBackРThe pipe line can load water test pressure high to 2.5MPa (equal to 24.5kgf/cm2). ? 管道进行水压性能试验,可承受压力2.5兆帕(即24.5公斤力\平方厘米)。РРAdvantages 优越性Р7РEnvironment friendly material 材料环保РBackРStainless steel is recyclable, no pollution, supports “Sustainable Development”. Stainless steel recycling material also has considerable economic value. ? 不锈钢材料可回收再利用,无污染,有利于可持续发展,而且不锈钢废料也有可观的经济价值。