nd Classes?mgcvGAMs with GCV smoothness estimation and GAMMs by REML/PQL?multtestResampling-based multiple hypothesis testing?nlmeLinear and nonlinear mixed effects models?nnetFeed-forward works and Multinomial Log-Linear Models?nortestTests for Normality?outliersTests for outliers?plsPartial Least Squares Regression (PLSR) and ponent Regression (PCR)?pls.pcrPLS and PCR functions?rpartRecursive Partitioning?SAGxStatistical Analysis of the GeneChip?smaStatistical Microarray Analysis?spatialFunctions for Kriging and Point Pattern Analysis?splinesRegression Spline Functions and Classes?statsThe R Stats Package?stats4Statistical Functions using S4 Classes?survivalSurvival analysis, including penalised likelihood.?tcltkTcl/Tk Interface?toolsTools for Package Development?utilsThe R Utils Package