Customer Service Management?Drivers of ValueРPorter’s Five Forces and Generic Strategies?Strategy Dynamics?Value CurvesРFUNCTIONAL STRATEGYРDistribution Strategy?Sales StrategyРSection 2.1РAnsoff MatrixР6РAnsoff Matrix: What is it?РMarket?rationРProduct?DevelopmentРMarket?DevelopmentРDiversificationРPRESENT?PRODUCTSРNEW?PRODUCTSРPRESENT?MARKETSРNEW?MARKETSР1Р2Р3Р4РA tool that helps to evaluate the possible strategic growth directions for a businessРIn summary, there are four basic choices to drive growth:РGrow existing products in existing markets?Introduce new products into existing markets?Enter new markets with existing products?Develop new products and introduce these into new marketsРSection 2.1 - Ansoff MatrixР7РNote: New = new for the business (and not new for the consumer petition)