
文秘英语:Unit 3

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____________________________________РIt is a shame you haven’t got the time to visit some scenic spotsРPerhaps we can make things up next time you are here.РHere is a little something from pany. Please take it.РMr. Wilson: Oh, it’s a beautiful piece of embroidery. I’m sure my wife will love it. Thank you very much. ?Helen: 不客气, 您下次来这里是什么时候呢??________________________________________?Mr. Wilson: Very soon probably. If opportunity offers, please e to my country. I want to return the favor you have done me here. ?Helen: Thank you.?Mr. Wilson: It’s time to board the plane. So we should say good-bye here. ?Helen: 请把我的最美好的祝福带给您的夫人。?__________________________________________?Mr. Wilson: I will. Good-bye. Take care.РYou are e. When will you return to China?РPlease give my best regards to your wife.


