
新人教版英语八年级下册unit2 sectiona(grammar focus-4c)精品课件

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一次帮助孩子们? 学习读书。? She _________ there once a week ___ ____ kids learn to read.РvolunteersРto helpР4. 她决定参加一个志愿者课后阅读节目的选拔。? She _______ ___ try out for a volunteer after-school reading program.Рdecided toР5. 马里奥相信这会帮助他获得他的梦想工作。? Mario believes it can help him ___ ___ his future dream job. ?6. 我正在制作一些告示,并将它们张贴于学校里。? I’m making some signs __ ___ __ around the school.Рto put upРto getР动词不定式РLanguage ?pointsРMr. Li asked the students to copy the text.РWe don’t want to spent too much money.Р例句РJack turned his head around to look at people.РClaire missed a great chance to make a lot of money.РMy mother wouldn’t let me go to the movie.Р(动词宾语)Р(宾语补足语)Р(目的状语)Р(后置定语)Р(使役动词后省略to)РFill in the blanks with the phrasal verbs in the box.Рput up, hand out, call up, cheer up,?come up with, give out, put offР4a


