inly not by their wit or charm; they are measured, and e known (or remain unknown) by their publications.Р1.5 Characteristics and Requirements for Scientific? Paper WritingР (1)Creativity 创新? Original manuscript which has not been published anywhere? else.? 科学论文所介绍的研究成果应该是前所未有的,即有所发现、有所创造。没? 有新的观点、见解、结果和结论,就不成其为科学论文。? 创新程度可大,可小,总要对科技知识宝库有所贡献。“首先提出”、“首次? 发现”具有重大意义的研究毕竟不多。就某一方面而言有新意、有发展,亦应属于? 创新。有些课题是引进消化国内外先进技术,只要对丰富理论,推动技术进步有? 意义,也应视为有一定程度的创新。? ? (2)Clarity 简洁? ? (3)Clearness 明了? ? (4)Accuracy 精确? ? (5) Standardization 标准? UnderstandableР1.6 Classification of Scientific PapersР (1) Theoretical analysis? Assumption, Principle, Theorem, Lemma, Law and proof.Р (2) Application study? Measurement, test, data processing.Р (3) Mathematical modeling puter simulationР (4) Review or survey, overview