
E时代高职英语——综合教程(1) 第三单元

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_ wander, explore and discover. What drives us to fly around the world, to touch a wall, to find our likes and our__________ ? It’s in our veins ( 血管). It’s human nature that drives us farther, that pushes us higher, that shows us who we are and breaks us________.?Once you’ve touched the world, you’ve changed yours_____________ . It’s a craving ( 雕像;雕刻品) that exists in all of us, which leaves you with only one_________ . You pick a place, you buy a ticket, you pack a bag,__________________ , and you go again.Рthirst toРdislikesРfreeРforeverРoptionРmake a planРDiscuss the following questions with your partners.Р3Р1 Have you ever travelled to any places? Why did you choose these places??2 What is your most amazing experience while travelling?РListen to the dialogues and fill in the blanks.Р1


