
E时代高职英语——综合教程(1) 第一单元

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ke they care about you passing and care about you.РqualityРprofessorsРRead the above sentences and then share the reason why you chose your college with your partners. Here are some sentences for your reference.Р2РIt was actually the only school that had the program I wanted to take.РI choose it because it is so beautiful.РIt has a multitude of ( 多种多样的) clubs.Р…(your college name) was mended to me by my college counselor ( 咨询师) at high school.РIt is so close to my home.РI e to…(your college name) because I think it’s easier and cheaper for me.РDiscuss the following questions with your partners.Р3Р1. What’s your first impression of your college??2. What is your major? Why did you choose it??3. What things would you like to do during college?РListen to the dialogues and fill in the blanks.Р1


