and water or sunlight.??Criteria Air Pollutants are those pollutants for which specific air quality standards have been set.РPrimary Air PollutantsРCarbon Monoxide - Produced anic materials are pletely burned.?Single largest source is the automobile.?Not a persistent pollutant.??Makes hemoglobin less able to carry oxygen.?Most dangerous in enclosed spacesРpounds?Hydrocarbons?Evaporated from automobile fuel or remnants of fuel pletely burned.?Catalytic converters used to burn exhaust gases pletely.РParticulate Matter - Minute pieces of solid materials (< 10 microns) dispersed into the atmosphere.?PM10 and PM 2.5?Larger than 2.5 microns are primary pollutants; Smaller than 2.5 are mostly secondary pollutants.?Can accumulate in lungs and interfere with the ability of lungs to exchange gases.